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Crowd Kerning Challenge: Axelborg


The old sign of Axelborg in Copenhagen had it’s kerning issues, but at least it was lightened in the night. The new sign from 2017 doesn’t have that kind energy consumptive extravagances. But a better sign? And did it completely fix the kerning?


Despite this to many people obvious fault, making it right is not as easy as it may seem. Futhermore, kerning is subjective, there’s no definite true facit.

The types of the sign is not Adobe Garamond Bold, but that’s close enough for this challenge.

The challenge

So here’s the challenge: The text above is the letters extracted from the sign.

Now, make your adjust­ments and submit the kerning set. The data will be big-data-collected and later algorithmitized for the collective facit.

I’m aware that 1px is a large unit for kerning, but that measurement uncertainty may be evened up by a large number of participants.

Torben Wilhelmsen

How to participate

Click and select each letter to adjust.
(… and Shift click to deselect.)

Or you can simply jump to the result fo far.

Arrow-left key moves the letter 1px to the left.
Arrow-right key moves the letter to the right.
Hold down the Shift key to also move all the letters to the right from the selected letter.
Hold down the Alt/Opt key select the previous or next.
Hit the b key to toogle between visible and hidden background with the original kerning.

When done, hit the ‘Send kerning set’ button.

Touch the letters one by one and drag them left or right to adjust the space between the letters.

Use two fingers (how difficult it may seem) on the letter to also move all the letters to the right from the touched letter.

When done, hit the ‘Send kerning set’ button.

Or you can simply jump to the result fo far.